CERES (The Unknown Planet)


What is solar system ?
The SOLAR SYSTEM is the gravitational bound system of the sun and the objects that orbit it , either directly or indirectly . of the objects that orbit the sub directly , the largest are the eight planets , with the remainder being smaller objects , the dwarf planets and small solar system bodies . of the objects that orbit the sun indirectly - the moons - two are larger than the smallest planet .

Our solar system contains so many 8 planets , stars , aestroids , sun, meteroids , moon and other satellites . but solar system consist of so many other planets in which many our known and many of them is not discovere . and there is also a planet or we can say the main aestroid CERES.

What is CERES ? 
CERES is the largest object in the main asteroid belt that lies between of mars and Jupiter . with the diameter of 940 km, CERES is both the largest and aestroid and the only unambiguous dwarf planet currently inside the Neptune's orbit.
This planet is discovered by GIUSEPPE PIAZZI on 1 January 1801. It was originally considered as a planet, but it was reclassified as an aestroid in the 1850s after many other objects in similar orbits were discovered .CERES is the only object on the aestroid belt currently known to be rounded by its own gravity.
CERES appears to be partially differentiated into a muddy with Ice rock mantle, with a crust that is 60% rock and 40% ice or may be probably 30% of ice.It probably no longer of internal ocean of liquid water, but there is a brine (solution of salt and water) that can flow through the outer mantle and reach to the outer surface. The surface is the mixture of ice and many other hydrated minerals such as carbonates and clay . Cryovolcanoes such as Ahuna Mons from at the rate of about one every 50 million  years .
According to the scientist reports it is found that CERES emissions of water vapours .This was unexcepted that CERES was emit the water vapour because large bodies in the aestroid belt typically do not emit vapour. 

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