what is the importance of ringing bells in temple?

What is the importance of ringing bells in temple?
Hinduism is a great religion and there is special reason behind doing each and every thing, every rituals is associated with it. There is nothing happening since ancient times. Not only psychological but there are also scientific reason behind performing all traditions.

Performing prayer in the temples is an important aspect of Hinduism. it is believed that there is no other place to worship as scared as the temple.In temples, one must have surely observed bell at the entrance of the temple and in special places. The bell is also an important part of the temple in many homes.

Bells in Hindu methodology has a great significance. It is believed that the sound by ringing the bells is good for mental and physical health and bring peace in life as well as in our mind . It free us from all the distraction and bring our focus on one single point. I always sense positivity and spritiuality whenever I hear the sound of the bell and awakes my inner soul.

The most comprehensive assumption is that by ringing the bell god is invited to accept our worship and prayers. Another belief is that by doing so,evil spirits does not come near us.

It is believed that when the bell is played then there is a vibration in the atmosphere, which goes far enough due to the atmosphere. The advantage of this vibration is that all the bacteria, viruses, micro-organism that are coming in its area and destroyed so that the surrounding environment becomes purified.Therefore,the atmosphere where the bell rung , the environment always remains pure and sacred. It removes negative forces and opens doors to prosperity.

Even while performing rituals like Aarti, we ring the bell and the auspicious sound of the conch and other musical instruments are also played along with it. It has special significance too, that it removes the attention of the human from any other sounds.



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